Authorised Australian Partner

Lithium Disilicate-Based Press Ingots
Amber® Press
Amber® Press remarkably raises the bar for quality level of press ingots. Better-than-ever flexural strength comparing to previous lithium disilicate materials. Free from use of acid thanks to very small reaction layer residue on post-press product.
Highly aesthetic and natural look achieved by diverse options for shade and indications.
Superior Strength
Exceptional properties.
Excellent results.

The biaxial flexural strength of restorations made of Amber® Pressafter crystallization is 460 MPa. With superior properties, complete your work yielding incomparable results.
Efficiency & Safety
Obtain work efficiency
with safe work procedure

Amber® Press is the suitable press material for the efficiency and safetyat the same time. Since only few amount of reaction layer would be on the result, users don`t need to apply the acid liquid, which enable the work procedure to be simple and easy, leading as nonhazardous process.
Efficiency & Safety
Obtain work efficiency
with safe work procedure
Amber® Press is the suitable press material for the efficiency and safetyat the same time. Since only few amount of reaction layer would be on the result, users don`t need to apply the acid liquid, which enable the work procedure to be simple and easy, leading as nonhazardous process.

Available shades
