CGF 2 Days Hands-On Course in Melbourne
Mastering Implant Surgery with RIdge and Sinus Augmentation

Date & Time
2-3 Sep 2023
INNODENT Suite 201, 15-17 Park St, South Melbourne
Dr. Grace Kim
CPD Point
12 Points
Course Curriculum
Aim: This course will introduce participants to safe and predictable sinus surgery, and minimally invasive ridge augmentation. Crestal and lateral sinus lift techniques using ultrasonic piezoelectric devices, and techniques for making Sohn’s Sticky Bone™
Day 1 - Sat 2 Sep
Correcting common errors during implant surgery.
Essential tips on suturing and flap management.
Managing Thin ridge and Immediate Implant cases.
Phlebotomy training and making Sohn's Sticky Bone™
Applications of Autologous Fibrin glue (AFG), Concentrated growth factors (CGF) and CGF membrane in dentistry.
Minimally Invasive Implant surgery protocols for Ridge and Sinus Augmentation
Hands-on making STICKY BONE and Venepuncture
Day 2 - Sun 3 Sep
Smart Alternative bone graft solution- Autologous decalcified tooth bone graft for faster and greater bone formation.
Essential Piezoelectric tips used in dentistry
Safe and predictable Implant Placement with simultaneous Sinus Elevation.
Lateral approach – ROB Widow (Replaceable Osteo inductive Bony Window)
Crestal approach -HPISE (Hydrodynamic Piezoelectric Internal Sinus Elevation)
Demonstration on SINUS LIFT techniques using PIE

Dr. Grace Kim
Private practice Brisbane, Australia
Fellow, Diplomate of WAUPS
Fellow, Master of ICOI Surgical instructor at WAUPS Visiting Professor at CUMCD
Dr Grace graduated Bachelor of Dentistry at University of QLD in 2009, and since then worked full time in Brisbane private practice. She has been committed to advancing her Implant treatment for her patients since 2013. Attained her Fellowship with ICOI in 2016, and has been actively involved with training, and teaching with the World academy Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Bone Surgery as well as research a t University of Daegu, South Korea. She was the first Dentist in Australia to introduce the benefits and uses of Decalcified tooth bone graft and continues to share her animal research and clinical cases internationally. Her main focus is to provide predictable and minimally invasive surgery for her patients with faster recovery. Dr Grace is one of the key surgical instructors for the Advanced Implant Live surgery training program run by WAUPS alongside world renowned surgeons.

T 1800 89 87 49
F 03 8648 6818
201/15-17 Park Street,
South Melbourne, VIC 3205